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Software as a Service: All you need to know about SaaS

If you’re a computer user, it’s likely that you have been using SaaS for a while now. You may be thinking that you have seen those four initials somewhere before, but are not really sure what SaaS actually refers to. If you’re unsure, then it may be beneficial to read more about this service so you have the right knowledge for you and your business.

What is SaaS?

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud-based service model that manages the way you use and install software on your computer. Do you remember when, if you needed a new program on your computer, you would buy a box with a disk or three in, insert these into your hard drive and then use this software until it was time to get the next box?

Well, Software as a Service basically puts this box into the cloud. SaaS applications are often subscription-based and require you to pay for the service rather than the physical product itself. As SaaS is located in the cloud, data is stored here and requires a connection to the internet to access. A well-known example of SaaS is Adobe Creative Cloud, which includes their key software programs.

Advantages of SaaS

– SaaS can be accessed from all computers so you can use it on any operating system and device. This works well for offices who hot desk, as well as a society where most of us own at least two internet devices.
– Vendors can easily update the software when it is required with minimal effect on operation for users.
– Multiple users can use a SaaS account. Almost like your Netflix profile, you can change your billing according to how many people you want on your plan.
– There is no huge upfront cost with SaaS, unlike with the old-school way of installing software.

Disadvantages of SaaS

– You need an internet connection to access it, which can be difficult in some instances, for example, when trying to work as you travel.
– Once you have attached all of your assets to this cloud system, it’s quite hard to get out of using it.

We provide cloud migration and services Cairns businesses can rely on, so contact us today if you would like any advice or assistance with SaaS or other cloud-related IT issues.
